2025/01/26 00:09
【重要なお知らせ】SKY BOATの名称変更について
いつもBLACK DRAGONをご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございます。
この度、これまでご好評いただいておりました「SKY BOAT」テントの名称を、より製品のイメージに合う「SKYSHIP」に変更することとなりました。
今後とも、BLACK DRAGONはより良い製品とサービスを提供できるよう努めてまいります。
【Important Announcement】Name Change of SKY BOAT Tent
Thank you for always choosing BLACK DRAGON.
We are pleased to announce that we have decided to change the name of our popular SKY BOAT tent to SKYSHIP, a name that better reflects the product's image.
The name "SKYSHIP" is inspired by a ship sailing through the sky, and embodies our desire to provide a spacious and comfortable outdoor experience.
Although the name has changed, the quality and functionality of the product remain the same, and we are confident that it will continue to satisfy our customers.
BLACK DRAGON will continue to strive to provide better products and services in the future.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Black Dragon Japan